How To Write a Two-Week Notice Letter

In the professional world, providing adequate notice when you resign is crucial. The traditional two-week notice letter sets the tone for your departure and the transition that follows. Here is an in-depth exploration of crafting this important document.

The Importance of Two Weeks' Notice

  • Professional Courtesy: Giving notice provides your employer time to start the recruitment process or make interim arrangements.
  • Smooth Transition: During this period, employers often train a replacement or transition tasks to other team members.
  • Maintaining Relationships: Leaving on good terms preserves future references and network connections.
  • Contractual Obligation: Many employment contracts stipulate a notice period, ensuring both the employee and employer have adequate time to manage the transition. Failing to adhere to this can have legal repercussions and may affect the final settlement or references.

Essential Components of the Letter

  • Date: Always provide a date on your letter to clearly record when you gave the notice.
  • Address: Address the letter to your direct supervisor, and ensure you get their name right. A generic "To whom it may concern" can seem impersonal.
  • Clear Statement of Resignation: Early in the letter, unambiguously state your intent to resign. Example: "I am writing to formally resign from my position at ABC LLC."
  • Effective Date: Explicitly mention your last working day. Example: "My last day will be [Date], two weeks from today."
  • Reason for Leaving (Optional): If you choose to share, keep it brief and positive.
  • Thank You Note: Express gratitude for the experience, knowledge, and opportunities gained during your tenure.
  • Offer of Transition Assistance: Indicate your willingness to help during the transition, such as training a replacement.
  • Closing and Signature: Close the letter formally and sign it.

Best Practices

  • Keep It Positive: Even if your experiences were not all positive, your resignation letter is not the place to air grievances.
  • Be Concise: The letter should ideally be one page or less.
  • Maintain Privacy: Before you hand in your notice, ensure you have not announced your departure to everyone. Letting your manager know first is respectful.
  • Physical and Digital: While a printed letter is often standard, check if your HR department also requires a digital copy for records.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Being Vague: Clearly state your intent to leave and specify the effective date.
  • Negative Remarks: Avoid any negative comments about colleagues, supervisors, or the organization.
  • Over-Explaining: While mentioning the reason for leaving is okay, avoid going into great detail.

Post-Submission Considerations

  • The Conversation: After you submit your letter, prepare to have a conversation with your manager. They might want to discuss reasons, feedback, or potential counteroffers.
  • Be Prepared for an Immediate Exit: In some industries, once you give notice, they might ask you to leave immediately.
  • Staying Professional: Use your remaining time productively. Continue to perform your duties responsibly until your last day.

Sample Two-Week Notice Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Mailing Address]
[City, State Postal Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


[Manager's Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State Postal Code]

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing this letter to officially resign from my position at [Company Name]. The resignation will take effect two weeks from today, on [Last Working Day's Date].

While I have enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and have greatly benefited from the opportunities to grow personally and professionally, I have decided to accept an offer for a new position that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals.

I would like to convey my sincere appreciation for the valuable lessons, insights, and connections I have acquired throughout my time here. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition, which includes assisting in finding a replacement or training a team member to assume my responsibilities.

I am grateful for the assistance, direction, and motivation you have given me during my tenure at [Company Name]. I have sincerely appreciated my time with the company and will carry forward all that I have learned.

I am prepared to assist in transitioning my duties to my co-workers; please let me know how I can contribute over the next two weeks. I wish the company continued success.


[Your Signature (for a hard copy)]
[Your Full Name]