Build a Professional Resume Quickly with Brain Mine — Powered by AI Natural Language Processing Technology

Writing a resume does not have to be difficult. With our new service, Brain Mine , ResumeBlaze can help you build a professional resume with minimal information in as little as 10 minutes. Brain Mine is powered by state-of-the-art AI natural language processing technology, and automates the process of writing work history, selecting technical skills, and generating a performance summary.

We don't stop at resumes. With our cover letter generator, you can seamlessly create compelling cover letters that perfectly complement your resume and elevate your job application to new heights, which is essential in capturing the attention of hiring managers and showcasing your unique qualifications.

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Chronological Template

The chronological template is perfect for professionals with extensive experiences, work histories, and education. Use this template to create a chronological list of your previous job titles and employers. Walk a recruiter through your work history and demonstrate why you are the perfect candidate.

Chronological Sample

Functional Template

The functional template is ideal for young professionals entering the workforce or executives switching careers and/or fields. Specify how your strengths, skills, and experience match your target job. This template is more informal and grants more freedom for showing your personal flair. Highlight your professional skills—not how you acquired them.

Functional Sample

What to Expect and What You Will Receive

With full access to the ResumeBlaze dashboard, you have the freedom to create unlimited customized resumes and cover letters. Simply fill in the relevant fields, select your preferred format (chronological, functional, or Harvard), and generate comprehensive resumes along with targeted cover letters, all tailored to meet specific job requirements.

Brain Mine: Smart Resume and Cover Letter Generator

Brain Mine uses Natural Language Processing Technology to effortlessly create tailored resumes and cover letters. Enjoy time-saving, efficient generation of professional resumes and cover letters highlighting your unique skills and experiences.

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7-Day Free Trial

Try our resume builder for free. If you are a job seeker and need the perfect resume, ResumeBlaze has you covered.

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Privacy Control

Your resumes can be deleted, along with all your personal information. Your personal information does not need to remain stored in our database if you want to reduce your digital footprint.

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No Subscription

Access to ResumeBlaze is based on your terms. You will never be charged for access you are not using. Select how many days you need access to the dashboard and pay for the time you spend working on your resume, not for resume storage.

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ResumeBlaze Access

Access will not automatically renew! Write as many resumes and cover letters as you want.

$ 2
  • 1-Day Access
  • Most Popular
$ 5
  • 30-Day Access
  • Best Choice
$ 9
  • 60-Day Access
  • 10% Discount
$ 12
  • 90-Day Access
  • 20% Discount
$ 21
  • 180-Day Access
  • 30% Discount
Is a Subscription Required?

No. We do not have a recurring charge or subscription.

What Happens if I Lose My Resume?

Unless you delete your resume from our server, we have you covered. Simply purchase single day access and download your previous resume.

Is My Information Safe?

Yes. We do not resell or share your personal data. You can delete your account and take your resume off our servers.

We use a 2048-bit certificate and follow PCI compliance standards to protect your data.

How Many Resumes Can I Make?

You can create as many resumes and cover letters as you want. One of the many benefits of using ResumeBlaze is the potential to create multiple resumes.

Generate different resumes and cover letters to target specific jobs in various geographical areas. Use your maiden name or post office box in your contact information to better position yourself to a recruiter.

How Do I Cancel an Access Plan?

After your access has expired, your ResumeBlaze account will be marked inactive. You will not be charged after this initial charge unless you select an additional access plan. There is no recurring access fee for inactive accounts.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

ResumeBlaze accepts various payment methods to ensure convenience and flexibility for our users. We currently accept major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

What Is Your Return Policy?

All returns must be requested within (7) days of the purchase date. Return Policy

Additional Questions?

See all FAQs.

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Let's Blaze a New Trail Today!

ResumeBlaze offers an easy way to create a professional resume and cover letters in PDF format. Focus on the content, not the layout, spacing, or formatting bullet points. You never need to rush; we do not have a recurring subscription, so you can come back days, months, or years later and pick up where you left off. You can freshen up your resume with new work experience, education, or technical skills at any time.

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